Legal Services NYC- Manhattan – Housing Unit may be able to assist with your unique legal needs. The largest part of Manhattan Legal Service’s Housing Unit caseload is housing matter – assisting clients in preserving their homes and averting homelessness. We defend clients in nonpayment and other eviction proceedings, as well as in mortgage foreclosure proceedings. We also help clients pursue rent overcharge claims and actions to improve housing conditions so they can stay in their homes and communities. Our work helps our clients and saves public money – every dollar spent on our homelessness prevention work saves the public $4 in shelter costs and emergency welfare grants. En Español Defendemos a clientes en impago y otros procedimientos de desalojo, así como en los procedimientos de ejecución hipotecaria hipoteca. También ayudamos a los clientes reclamar dinero si le cobraron de mas para la renta y acciones para mejorar las condiciones de la vivienda para que puedan permanecer en sus hogares y comunidades.
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