MFY Legal Services, Inc. – Nursing Home Residents’ Project may be able to assist with your unique legal needs. MFY’s mission is to ensure that no New Yorker is denied access to justice because he or she cannot afford an attorney. MFY provides a range of legal services, from advice to full representation in administrative hearings, Court, and on appeal. MFY also initiates class action lawsuits and other impact litigation to address the root causes of inequities. The Nursing Home Residents’ Project provides information, advice, and advocacy for nursing home residents and their families and will provide legal representation in the areas of nursing home residents’ rights, abuse and neglect, civil rights violations, improper discharge planning and unfair consumer practices. The Nursing Home Residents’ Project also provides training and educational sessions to nursing home residents and family councils. En Español La misión de MFY es garantizar que ningún neoyorquino es negado acceso a la justicia porque él o ella no pueden pagar por un abogado. MFY ofrece una gama de servicios jurídicos, de asesoramiento a la plena representación en las audiencias administrativas, el Tribunal, y en apelación. MFY también inicia la acción de clase pleitos y litigios otros efectos de abordar las causas profundas de las desigualdades.
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