New York Lawyers for the Public Interest – Pro Bono Clearinghouse may be able to assist with your unique legal needs. New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) was created in 1976 to address the unmet legal needs of disadvantaged New Yorkers. NYLPI finds unique ways to tackle the problems faced by low-income and underrepresented people throughout New York City using two complementary approaches: 1. Our Pro Bono Clearinghouse provides not for profits and community groups with free legal assistance on a wide range of issues by drawing on hundreds of lawyers from New York’s most prestigious law firms and corporate legal departments. 2. NYLPI’s staff attorneys, community organizers, and advocates provide direct representation, advocacy, and organizing assistance to low-income New Yorkers through our three in-house program areas: disability rights, environmental justice, and access to health care. The Disability Law Center protects and promotes the civil rights of people with disabilities and encompasses three programs: – Special Education – Deinstitutionalization – Opportunity and Access The Access to Health Care Program works to ensure access to quality health care for people in medically underserved communities or facing barriers due to limited English proficiency, racial and ethnic discrimination, or disability. The Environmental Justice and Community Development Project provides organizing and legal assistance to low-income neighborhoods and communities of color that bear an unfair burden of environmental threats.
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