Expired Class Action Settlements

Joe’s Jeans, Hudson Clothing Made in USA Class Action Settlement

2017/06/19 19:32:24

Joe’s Jeans, Inc. and Hudson Clothing LLC have agreed to a class action settlement in which the plaintiffs assert the two fashion companies lied about the origin of one or more lines of clothing. Both defendants denied making Made in USA claims, while including foreign designed and manufactured clothing components. Joe’s Jeans and Hudson Clothing settled the class action lawsuit to avoid the uncertainty of a protracted trial.

The plaintiffs involved in the class action lawsuit allege both companies violated California law by selling clothing products “Made in the USA.” According to class counsel, Joe’s Jeans and Hudson Clothing violated a false advertising law that clearly prohibits calling products “Made in USA,” when in fact, the clothing products contain components manufactured outside of the United States.  “Consumers generally believe that ‘Made in USA’ products are of higher quality than their foreign-manufactured counterparts,” the class action lawsuit states. “Due to Defendants’ scheme to defraud the market, members of the general public were fraudulently induced to purchase Defendants’ products.”

Consumers who bought Hudson Clothing or Joe’s Jeans clothing products between January 7, 2011 and December 31, 2015 that contain inaccurate labeling might be eligible to receive a class action settlement benefit. Class action settlement documents include language that requires both companies to revise labeling, as well as provide a free tote bag or t-shirt to every eligible class member.

What You Need To Know

Eligible class members must have bought clothing products from either Hudson Clothing or Joe’s Jeans that include the “Made in USA” or “Made in the USA” label. The deadline for class members to contest the class action settlement was May 9, 2017. Class members have until June 19, 2017 to opt out of the agreement. Class members must provide information that describes their purchases that includes the SKU or style number of the clothing product bought from Joe’s Jeans or Hudson Clothing. Under the penalty of perjury, class members must certify they purchased the products and the products contained either the “Made in USA” or “Made in the USA” label.

The deadline for filing a claim form for the class action settlement is June 19, 2017. Stay abreast of the latest news concerning the case by accessing the class action website www.JoesJeansSettlement.com. A final hearing date for the class action settlement case called Jeff Card v. Joe’s Jeans Inc., et al., Case No. 37-2015-00021834-CU-BT-CTL, in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Diego is July 28, 2017.

Class counsel John H. Donboli represents the law firm Del Mar Law Group LLP. Kevin D. Rising of Barnes & Thornburg is the defense counsel for Joe’s Jeans and Hudson Clothing.

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