Expired Class Action Settlements

Michael Foods Egg Price-Fixing Direct Purchaser Class Action Settlement

One defendant can delay a class action settlement, as evident in the case involving Michael Foods. The parent company of Michael Foods has finally agreed to create a $75 million class action settlement fund for an egg price fixing class action lawsuit. Legal analysts view the case as a groundbreaking settlement that prevents collusion among the few large companies that dominate the food production industry.

Plaintiffs in the case allege the defendants formed an alliance to decrease egg supplies throughout the United States. The reduction in the egg supply immediately shot egg prices up to near record levels. The other defendants in the case that had agreed to the class action settlement before the hold out agreed include National Food Corporation (NFC) Midwest Poultry Services LP., and Hillandale Farms of PA. Inc.

If you submitted a claim form before the last defendant signed off on the class action settlement, you might have the legal wriggle room to submit an additional claim that covers Michael Foods.

What You Need To Know

Court documents state eligible class members for the settlement include “All individuals and entities that purchased shell eggs from caged birds in the United States directly from defendants during the class period from 9/24/2004 through 12/31/2008. Class members may also file claims for certain purchases made from 2000 through 2014 of eggs and egg products that are not included in the Michael Foods settlement. Please review the claim form carefully and follow the directions before submitting your claim.” The potential award for class members depends on the number of valid and timely claims filed.

If you want to receive monetary damages as part of the class action settlement, you must identify the producer who sold you the eggs. Proof of purchase receipts display the name of the producer, as well as the number of eggs purchased and the total cost of the purchase. You have to submit proof of purchase receipts along with the class action settlement claim form. Class members have until October 9, 2017 to submit a claim form that covers the Michael Foods class action settlement. The latest claim form also covers the other defendants of the class action lawsuit.

The judge in the case called In re: Processed Egg Products Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 2:08-md-02002, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has schedule the final hearing on November 6, 2017. Stay up to date on the latest class action settlement news by visiting the website www.EggProductsSettlement.com. Class counsel includes Stanley D. Bernstein of Bernstein Liebhard LLP, Michael D. Hausfeld of Hausfeld LLP, and Susan D. Susman who represents Susman Godfrey LLP. Michael Foods has retained Carrie C. Mahan from Weil Gotschal & Manges LLP as defense counsel.

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