If you currently have a leak in your Poz-Lok fire sprinkler system, have had a leak within one year of submitting a claim or experience leaks in the future (i.e., before June 7, 2019) you may complete the Poz-Lok Claim Form. Claim form is available here as a downloadable Adobe Acrobat PDF document for viewing and printing.
In order to be entitled to cash compensation, you must certify in your claim that your Poz-Lok pipe has experienced a leak within one year of submitting the claim.
Poz-Lok is a brand of pipe and pipe fittings sold for use in fire sprinkler systems in residential and commercial buildings beginning in 1990. The pipe is a silver colored metal, bearing the Poz-Lok name ( click here for illustration ) .
On June 7, 2004, the Honorable Jeremy Fogel of the Northern District of California approved a class action settlement in Foothill/DeAnza Community College District vs. Northwest Pipe Company, et al., No. C-00-20749-JF (EAI). If you have Poz-Lok Fire Sprinkler pipe your legal right are affected by this settlement.
You are a Class Member if you own or owned a commercial or residential building in which a fire sprinkler system using Poz-Lok pipe was installed. If you fit this description, you are automatically a Class Member who may be entitled to cash compensation.
A settlement fund has been established to pay claims for pipe repair, replacement and/or consequential damages. However, to be paid, you must follow the claims procedures contained herein.
If you have any questions regarding this settlement or need assistance making a claim, you may contact the Claims Administrator at 1-866-898-5087 or via email:
Who’s Eligible
You are a Class Member of the Poz-Lok class action settlement if you own or owned a commercial or residential building in the United States in which a fire sprinkler system using Poz-Lok pipe was installed.
Potential Award
Class Members who submit a claim establishing they currently have or had a qualified leak in the Poz-Lok fire sprinkler pipe or components will be entitled to receive between $10 and $30 per linear foot of pipe that required replacement. If the pipe leaks within the first six years of installation, Class Members will receive 100 percent of the amount needed to repair or replace the pipe. The percentage recovered decreases by 10 percent each year thereafter.
In addition, the Settlement Administrator may approve claims to compensate Class Members for consequential damages caused by qualified leaks. The Poz-Lok settlement provides that Class Members are entitled to 100 percent of their consequential damages for qualified leaks occurring within the first 10 years after installation of the pipe, and 75 percent of consequential damages for qualified leaks occurring between 10 and 15 years after installation of the pipe.
Proof of Purchase
To qualify for compensation from the Poz-Lok class action settlement, you must fill out and submit a valid Claim Form that verifies your Poz-Lok Fire Sprinkler Pipe and/or Components have leaked within the past year.
Class Members must attest under the penalty of perjury that all information submitted in their Claim Forms is true and correct.
Claim Form Deadline
6/7/2019. Claims must be submitted within one year of the leak.
Case Name
Foothills/DeAnza Community College v. Northwest Pipe Co., et al., Case No. C-00-20749-JF, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
Final Hearing
Settlement Website
Claims Administrator
Foothills/DeAnza Community College v. Northwest Pipe Co.
Claims Administrator
P.O. Box 5053
Portland, OR 97208-5053
Class Counsel
Robert J. Nelson
Michael W. Sobol
Phillip A. Jaret
Robert S. Jaret